Monday, July 30, 2012

Find economic solutions for global warming -

Once again, we see a "sky is falling" story in the wake of a major storm to promote government policies to fix global warming [" Fossil Fuels Create Pollution And Global Warming," July 24].

Most reasonable people are not debating that the climate is getting warmer and do not have their heads in the sand.

What most reasonable people do understand is that the Earth has gone through many climate changes throughout time and well before man's burning of fossil fuels.

Most reasonable people recognize that fossil fuels are not the cleanest, but they are not going away anytime soon. Yes, the government subsidizes oil, but it subsidizes green energy projects, too. Solyndra comes to mind.

The real problem is money. The government has overspent its revenues and now finds itself in such a debt crisis that there is no possibility of providing additional funds for clean energy innovations.

While we may know how to harness the sun and wind, clearly these technologies are not as cost-efficient as Jeremy Symons implies, as their usage would be far greater.

Regrettably this means more subsidies from money that we the taxpayers cannot hope to provide in this economic climate.

We must fix the economy, allowing businesses to create jobs that will increase the tax revenue to the government.

The environmental groups need to sit down with policymakers and not just complain about global warming but determine how best to increase the private economy and eventually have a budget surplus.

If I were a politician, I would force all groups competing for taxpayer funds to provide economic solutions to create a surplus. Then I would commit 25 percent of the surpluses to subsidizing clean energy, 50 percent to pay existing debt, and the remaining 25 percent for existing programs. No surplus, no money for your cause.

Stephen Despres

King George

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