Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Gripe with Global Warming - Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)

There are many reasons why I love living in Northern California. From the scenic landscapes, to the great food, to the cultural diversity amongst us; the Bay Area is by all accounts a wonderful place to live. There is, however, one aspect of Bay Area living that can drive you completely mad.

San Francisco has the most unpredictable weather of anywhere I’ve ever lived. Last week, I took my shaggy dog for a hair cut because it was too hot outside. Then today-in the peak of summer-I had to layer on the clothing before heading out to work, because it was a crisp 50 degrees. Around here it is completely possible to get caught in a rain storm in the middle of the summer. Unexpected weather patterns seem to have become the norm.

Yet every year, we northern Californians seem so surprised by our “uncanny” weather patterns. After I left the house this morning, umbrella in hand, I thought about the fact that while I had wished the sun were out, I was fortunate to live in an area that while unpredictable, has comfortable, moderate temperatures; unlike many of our friends back east, suffering in 100 degree plus temperatures devastating manifestation of the effects of climate change.   

This is what Global Warming looks like from NRDC Broadcast Videos on Vimeo.

According to the National Weather Service and NRDC’s Killer Summer Heat Report,  heat is the number one weather-related killer in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year. An average of 400 deaths per year are directly related to heat, and an estimated 1,800 die from illnesses made worse by heat - including heat exhaustion, heat stroke, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease. Across the nation temperatures are rising along with the number of illnesses, emergency room visits, and deaths. The city of St. Louis is just one of many cities facing extreme temperatures this year. As of yesterday, there have been a total of 17 heat related deaths this summer alone. But there are some that believe global warming does not exist.

The GOP is filled with climate change skeptics who claim that global warming is an environmentalist plot to justify higher taxes and limit your freedom. But studies show that Americans are embracing energy-saving initiatives, from using recycled bags at the grocery story to buying fuel-efficient cars. Green buildings are increasingly the norm and clean vehicle demands are steadily on the rise. And now-according to a new poll from The Washington Post and Stanford University- Americans say they believe temperatures around the world are going up and that weather patterns have become more unstable in the past few years. People get it, but the politicians lag behind.

In California climate change worsens smog and causes plants to produce more pollen pollution, increasing respiratory health threats, particularly for people with allergies and asthma. I may not have to worry about dressing accordingly for unbearable temperatures, but I do worry about my Mom who suffers from severe asthma and everyone else that should be able to enjoy the outdoors without the health hazards that now surround us.

Without action, costly and deadly climate change impacts are rippling across the golden state, eerily similar to what we are seeing in other parts of the country. We need protections from the harmful effects of global warming, with standards that place limits on the largest sources of carbon pollution that drives climate change. Obama’s fuel efficient standards are an impressive step. Now we must go all the way.  No matter where you live, whether you need your shades or your rain boots, you can help protect clean air and reduce global warming by telling your senators and representative to protect our health. You get it. Now tell them you do. Take action today.

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