Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Global-warming theorist admits to being 'alarmist' - OneNewsNow

Global-warming theorist admits to being 'alarmist'
Chris Woodward - OneNewsNow - 4/25/2012 3:50:00 AMBookmark and Share

Global WarmingA high-profile environmentalist is changing his tune about man-made global warming.

Steven Milloy (publisher, James Lovelock, the man behind the "Gaia" theory of the Earth as a single organism, told MSNBC this week that he still believes in climate change, but admitted to being an alarmist, adding that temperatures have stayed almost constant when they should have been rising.
Steve Milloy of commented on what this means for the global-warming theory, noting that Lovelock is not the first to make remarks that raise questions about global warming.
"He's not the first, but he's pretty prominent,” Milloy says. “He's like a poster child going South on you. He's not really a scientist, but he does have this theory that many environmentalists believe in -- the Gaia theory."
Despite Lovelock's new comments, Milloy doubts it will cause environmentalists, in general, to reconsider their stance on global warming.
"Although you get some individuals from institutions who will get brave and voice their skepticism, NASA, the federal government as a whole, the Democratic Party, virtually all American universities -- especially those that depend on grants from the government and climate-related grants -- these people are pretty much locked into the alarmist hypothesis."

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